
ELTECO, a.s. company is the Slovak producer of uninterruptible power supplies. It was established in 1991. The group of founders has explored a thirty-year experience in the field of power supply technology and practical knowledge from development and production when forming the company. ELTECO produce wide range of goods by modern technology, in the best quality, according to the national and international standards.
Business idea of ELTECO is to meet customers’ requirements and expectations by offering goods and services in high quality in order to achieve competitive advantages of the customer on the market by:
- safe power supply
- protection against data loss
- energy saving
- ecologically clear solution
- trouble free equipment operation
We offer wide range of products that meet requirements of the quality system ISO 9001 :
n Systems of electric energy power supply and back-up
- UPS Uninterruptible power supplies
- Other products
- Systems software support
n Systems of energy production - also on the base of renewable resources
- Electric and thermal energy production - Cogeneration units
- Systems software support